Click below to donate to the Annual Campaign or to make a gift to one of the Federation Legacy Funds. You can make donations in any amount in honor or memory of someone or some occasion. Simply choose to which funds you’d like your donation to go. If you are unsure or don’t have a preference, we suggest donating to the Fred Hexter Fund.
Fred Hexter Fund
Legacy Funds - Unrestricted use
Simon R. and Frances G. Wasser Fund
Legacy Funds - Unrestricted use
Feuer-Brozgold Fund
Legacy Funds - Unrestricted use
Chaverim Fund
Legacy Funds - Chaverim and Senior Services
Stephen & Lisa Stone Philanthropic Fund
Legacy Funds - Expenditure
Lenore Loeb Fund
Legacy Funds - JCRC
Joni A. Wolfson Campership Fund
Legacy Funds - Provides camperships to approved Jewish overnight camps
Len and Gail Lieberman Future of Springfield Fund
Legacy Funds - The future of the Springfield Jewish Community
Neal J. Feldman Fund
Legacy Funds - Jewish Youth Programming
Jim & Edith Myers Education Fund
Legacy Funds - Adult Education
Linda & Les Eastep Fund
Legacy Funds - Financial Needs & Assistance
Gloria Schwartz Fund
Legacy Funds - Development of Professional Staff
The Mogerman Family Fund
Legacy Funds - Support community cultural or educational activities/programs
Sam & Peggy Klein Fund
Legacy Funds - Unrestricted use
Chodash-Bernsen Health Education & Promotion Fund
Legacy Funds - Dedicated to the betterment of the health and the provision of health education within our community.